ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 2月5日 02時21分

#tbt shooting in LA. It's strange how things pan out as on this trip I was with my agent (who's also my friend) and I was going through a public breakup, being accused of things that weren't true, reading things that weren't true and i felt like absolute shit mentally. I had that horrible sickly feeling we all have at those times and I just wanted to be back home with my family. One night out there we sat and chatted about how lucky I was to be out there working. It was only on the way home I said "I know I'm lucky & I've had a blast! but it'd be nice to work closer to home... Something like Emmerdale for example... My mum loves that show" I even did an interview the other month and the person chatting to me said you mentioned wanting to work on Emmerdale years ago to me in an interview! My agent got to work (as she always does) and went about setting the wheels in motion but I genuinely believe the universe reacts to what you put out there. The power of the mind and positive thinking is incredible. What you put out you get back... Maybe not straight away, this pic is about 7 years old, but still, better later then never ???


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