ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 2月2日 02時29分

A friend of mine just shared this on his Facebook. This dog was found in the street covered in what appeared to be bite marks all over her. She apparently was friendly and even wagged her tail when people approached to help her, so she had clearly been stolen from a loving family and used for bait in dog fighting. She passed away. In the street. From blood loss.
This type of horrible shit drives me crazy with anger!!! It makes me cry with anger in fact. What gives somebody the right to do this to such a beautiful animal? An animal with feelings and emotions and a soul. Dogs are the closet companions us humans will have and yet some of us do this to them! I'm not even sure why I'm posting this to be honest...it's horrendous. I just want to highlight what scum some people can be and how all the rest of us MUST HELP to stop this happening. I would love to be left alone a room with the person responsible for this. I really would. RIP you beautiful girl. I'm so sorry ???


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