Catharine Mi-Sookのインスタグラム(catharinemisook) - 1月29日 10時37分

Today had some pensive moments with some of those reality-check-adult-life things. Like bills, taxes, insurance and that sort of fare. And while I was washing the dishes and feeling tempted to worry, I got hit with a wave of just feeling really thankful. For everything. Regardless of the outcome. Because one thing is certain, I am well loved and taken care of. Beyond what I can even make sense out of or comprehend. Including the worst and most hellish moments and seasons of my life. All of it has been made into something beautiful and I get to experience that continual metamorphosis of beauty. How lucky am I? And how can I not be anything but thankful? Especially when these unexpected reminders happen upon my heart when I need it the most. So while it was fresh, I jotted it down in my notebook housed in my treasure chest otherwise known as the Roterfaden because these are the memories I want to come back to and read again and the ones I want to pass on as well one day. Hopefully I will have an insurmountable number of notebooks to fill up in the meantime. So here's to that and to life and its beauty, mystery and wonder and gift. ?


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