Ricardo Baldinのインスタグラム(rbaldin) - 1月29日 08時17分

Hi everyone! How are you guys doing? Hope well!

As some of you know, my birthday is coming up, it’s February 4th. 

And what do I want for my birthday? To give back!

Inspired by my amazing Dad who’s been engaged with lots of charity programs and that also celebrates his birthday Feb 4th, I decided to join my good friend @mariaecamargo, who’s been doing an amazing job raising funds for ‘Pencils of Promise’, an organization that builds and supports schools all over the World for those in need!

To help us please go to (link in Bio) https://www.crowdrise.com/B-KIND/fundraiser/ricardocamargo and make your donation, any amount is welcome!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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