ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 1月17日 20時52分

Yoga done! I am far from great at yoga but I find mentally for me, there's nothing better. Feeling groggy & having an annoying head cold these last few days has really restricted my training. I attempted weight training & felt like my head was going to explode ? far to much pressure in my head being so bunged up! So instead, the last 3 days I've done yoga. It's not my ideal training choice, after just 3 days I'm craving a good HIIT session & lifting some heavy ass Dumbbells ?? but you have to listen to your body (something I used to struggle with as let's be honest all us humans think we are superior & can take on anything!) I now know that I can't & pushing through a weights session when I can't even breathe properly isn't wise and will only, in the long run, hinder me more. I'm fuelling up on lots of homemade soup & juices & continuing with yoga until I feel 100% better. I still feel a bad ass and still feel strong doing yoga so all is not lost ? listen to your body though. No one knows it better then yourself ?? Ps. Yes these are my PJs ??


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