ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 1月16日 18時33分

Yoga day ?? Although on the back end of a cold I'm still feeling fit and strong. During today's yoga session I had a real appreciation for my body. I will never be stick thin / be like the Victoria secret models (not without being miserable and starving anyway) but that's ok. I've learned to love my body for what it is. Yes I have 'big legs' and yes I have broad shoulders and yes I'm tall for a girl (5ft 9) and NO, I don't have a 6 pack, but I feel athletic and fit and strong and mentally I'm in tune with my body. My "Chakras are aligned" as they say! I'm not an athlete, or a bikini fitness stage comp queen. I'm a normal girl who eats clean and exercises but still occasionally enjoys my pizza, or chips or Ben and jerrys or cocktails with the girls. Don't put pressure on yourself solely on how you look, but more so how you feel. I've been leaner then what I am now, but it was hard to maintain and I was grumpy and miserable. Now, although a tad fluffier ? I'm a lot happier and that's what counts. #namastebitches #health #light #happiness


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