Qing Hanのインスタグラム(qinniart) - 1月8日 16時27分

Edit: thank you guys for all your messages. I'm getting better at accepting this, though the scar is actually getting bigger and developing a keloid scar, like I feared. But I've gone to a dermatologist to get this treated, so hopefully it'll be okay. This isn't just a physical scar; to me, it's also mentally reminding me of what happened, which still traumatized me a bit (like how I can't watch shows with hospital scenes in it anymore). But I'm trying.
嫁不出去了啊😭😭😂. (Jk)
I'm not sure if I'll keep this here since I'm still trying really hard to come to terms with my body after this. But stewing on it and sobbing about it doesn't seem to help so I'm gonna try complaining on the interwebs xD.
You can literally see the 2 out of the 3 times I had surgery (the edge of the incision is always bigger). I made the mistake of looking up scar healing info on Google and found some really scary open heart surgery scars that got really bad after the scar matured so now I'm super freaked out about this developing into a keloid scar 😩. Never look up medical stuff on Google guys. Lol.
I can't wear half my cloths anymore 😭😭. My rehab doctors are setting me up with a psychologist so hopefully I won't feel like shit every time I see my reflection anymore. But apparently 2/3 women get depressed after open heart surgery so at least I'm not a minority in that regard? 😆


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