Qing Hanさんのインスタグラム写真 - (Qing HanInstagram)「April shower bring May flowers 🌸☔️🌸 • • • Tried a more, softer, pastel-y look. Let me know how you guys like it (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) ~ it's been a while, sorry @-@~ I spent quite a bit of time working on the book cover I did for @connieglynn, and because I'm still not doing the best health-wise, it took much longer than I expected 😅~ The more recent good news is that at least the scar tissue in my heart has stopped growing since I started trying this new medication I'm lab ratting for 😆😂! Though it's still blocking a lot of my heart arteries haha, so moving fast is still quite difficult. There's new meds my doctors want me to try, but they're crazy expensive, like $300 a month expensive @-@;;, on top of the meds I already need....So I kinda finally started a patreon. I'm not officially announcing it yet, I'm still on this bucket-list Japan trip; I do have some wips up for this though 😁~ nothing formal or extravagant, just gonna be a pay what ya want wip blog-y type of patreon (●°u°●)​ 」  Thanks for dropping by 😊 • • • • • #illustration #pencil #umbrella #flowers」5月15日 6時48分 - qinniart

Qing Hanのインスタグラム(qinniart) - 5月15日 06時48分

April shower bring May flowers 🌸☔️🌸

Tried a more, softer, pastel-y look. Let me know how you guys like it (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
it's been a while, sorry @-@~ I spent quite a bit of time working on the book cover I did for @connieglynn, and because I'm still not doing the best health-wise, it took much longer than I expected 😅~
The more recent good news is that at least the scar tissue in my heart has stopped growing since I started trying this new medication I'm lab ratting for 😆😂! Though it's still blocking a lot of my heart arteries haha, so moving fast is still quite difficult.
There's new meds my doctors want me to try, but they're crazy expensive, like $300 a month expensive @-@;;, on top of the meds I already need....So I kinda finally started a patreon. I'm not officially announcing it yet, I'm still on this bucket-list Japan trip; I do have some wips up for this though 😁~ nothing formal or extravagant, just gonna be a pay what ya want wip blog-y type of patreon (●°u°●)​ 」

Thanks for dropping by 😊

#illustration #pencil #umbrella #flowers


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