アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 1月3日 11時14分

My mentor, big sister, fighting partner, ride or die, trainer, friend, soul mate, and confidant! You are more things than one to me obviously, God put us together at the right time. You give me the truth when I need it, you make me really see myself even when I don't want to take a long hard look. You encourage me, make me laugh uncontrollably, make me pray and read my Word, and you just make me want to do better! You taught me that I need to make myself a priority and started me on my health journey spiritually and physically. We turn up together and cry together! I never thought I would meet anyone who makes me feel as safe as my mom and sisters do. What a blessing to have you be a part of the family now. You have no idea what your friendship and presence in my life has meant for my growth and the place I am in my life now. This year God will separate the wheat from the tares in your life. The harvest is so plentiful! You are about to reap all that you have sewn in love, care, friendship, business, and finance! I can't wait until the end of the year when we sit back with cocktails and talk about all that transpired this year! Happy birthday @theajzone!!! And get ready, get ready, GET READY!!!!! I love you!!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




