アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 1月2日 22時11分

@myfirstfridays <---- the first place that ever embraced me as an artist and opened their doors to come and sing and share my gift. My home away from musical home for ten+ years. They encourage me every time they see me. My peers stood me up on a stage and spoke the most amazing things over my life for 2016 and applauded with me and thanked God with me. Because when one wins, we all win. Thank you @nowthatsmajor for affirming me. You have no idea how encouraging that moment was to me king (even though I was low key embarrassed lol) a brotha lifting up his sista ✊? I receive all of it. I'm so ready for this year. No fear. All faith with hardwork, focus, dedication, and consistency. Don't believe me, just watch. Goodnight ?✌?️ Ps. My brother is on my couch right now and I'm upstairs in my room and I can hear him snoring all the way up here WITH the door closed. Would I be wrong to kick him out my house?!? ? o well. I'm doing it anyway lol goodnight hahahahaha


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