Robbie Crawfordのインスタグラム(robbiecrawford) - 12月31日 18時31分

At the end of the year we tend to look backwards ... looking back at this shot ... it was taken when you'd maybe see a few water photographers in the water ... now a days you'd see lil heads with cameras in their hands as far as the eye can see ... I have a choice ... I can complain about how things used to be and be upset at all the new people that shoot this spot ... or I can accept that the past is the past and it now is what it is and realize there's a big ocean out there full of potential and go on the search to find it ... we aren't in control of everything that happens but we are in control of whether we react in a positive or negative way to it ... in 2016 I hope to use everything in my life to motivate me in a good way ... with God it will #GoPro #thisprincipleappliestoeverything

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