Robbie Crawfordのインスタグラム(robbiecrawford) - 12月28日 18時31分

Here's a picture I took of a wave that looks like the profile of some sort of spiritual being ... on another note have you ever noticed that once someone dies almost everyone lets go of their grudges towards that person whether its a sudden return to love for a celebrity like Michael Jackson after he passed or that jerky family member that no one had anything nice to say about but the day of their funeral all anyone could think of was the good things about the person they'd miss ... I was thinking tonight that maybe that's because our inability to forgive actually comes from our fear that the person will do something to wrong again but once they are no longer living we're free to forgive without fear. Then I was wondering if grace is more alive within humanity than anyone realizes and it's just our fears of being hurt that make it hard for us to give grace to those in need if it. Imagine a world without fear that was full of grace and love. That to me would be the Kingdom of God #GoPro #sometimesithink


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