アレックス・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(alexjohnson89) - 12月29日 11時57分

WOW what a Christmas. We traveled 8 hours by 4x4 into the mountains outside Chiang Mai and spent a few days in a fully sustainable Karen farming village. They weave their own clothes, carve and blacksmith all their utensils and farming equipment, and grow all their food. It was so inspiring to see how they live, and embarrassing to think of how we do. Nothing is wasted, no trash is created, but much of their work was done in darkness. The language barrier meant nothing when we handed them solar powered lights; they were ecstatic. To be able to change someone's world with something as little as LIGHT... What an incredible experience. Big thank you to @goalzero for providing the gear. I hope everyone's Christmas was wonderful. ?
Photo: @bearcam @evolvusa @trangoclimbing @goalzero @ザ・ノースフェイス @thailandclimbing


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