デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 12月9日 09時53分

Hey @アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー I love you man but why would a high ranking military officer sit on a couch on the battlefield while tanks are plowing forward from behind him. It doesn't make sense. Is that part of the tactics of this game? To make your enemy confused as all fuck because the general is on a laz-y-boy in the middle of a war zone.
You are one of my favorite entertainers of all time but this would be like watching Rambo trying to taste test Coke v Pepsi during a rolling thunder airstrike over the county fair or like watching Jackie Chan stuck head first in a out house shit hole while 500,000 ninjas riding robot dogs tunnel up through soft earth. The point is can you please travel back in time and not do this at all. #cakebytheocean

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