ジョー・バイデンのインスタグラム(vp44) - 12月8日 01時40分

Hotel rooms overseas can always be a surprise. Often when we're traveling with the Vice President, we'll land well after dark. Last night, we got to the hotel at about one in the morning local time. So when you open the drapes in the morning, it's always interesting to see what you'll find: In this case, the gold-leaf domes of St. Michael's Cathedral. Kyiv is a centuries-old city rich with history, and it's full of beautiful cathedrals and monasteries like this one. During the Middle Ages, the bells of St. Michael's were rung to alert the city of an attack. They sounded the alarm again centuries later in December of 2013, when the church became a sanctuary for the protesters that filled the Maidan. --DL

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