アラナ・ニコルズのインスタグラム(alanathejane) - 11月15日 16時32分

wa·ter·shed /ˈwôdərˌSHed,ˈwädərˌSHed:
2. an event or period marking a turning point in a course of action or state of affairs.
AKA an organization started by @haydenhilke A fierce southern woman with a vision to create awareness for traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries in the community of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I was honored to speak tonight at Watershed Jackson about the power of community and the absolute importance of mentorship after a life altering injury. Regardless of disability, we can't do this life alone and it's our community of friends and family that will lift us up in our time of need. Thank you Jackson for having me.


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