ブラウのインスタグラム(3lau) - 11月9日 10時03分

I used to joke w/ the guy who made this fantastic video that he'd be ginormous one day... That was 2 years ago when we started working together, now of course he's on top of the world. @rorykramer and I had a lil falling out when he started workin w/ the biebs cause that meant he'd have less if not zero time for working with me. After not speaking for a lil while, we finally sorted out our issues, and remembered what it meant to be best friends in the first place.

So rory came out to San Antonio to party with me this past weekend... And this was the result!

A @rorykramer vision ;)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




