バーバラ・ザンガールのインスタグラム(babsizangerl) - 11月2日 13時56分

Yes!!! It was always a dream to free El Cap one time in my life.... Together with Jacopo we climbed "El Nino" ground up!! It was an amazing experience to stay in the wall during hard days hauling our heavy bags, what takes us sometimes hours!!! Good to have a strong boyfriend on my side :-) (we planned 5 days in the wall and extended into 8 days what makes us to stay hungry sometimes) And when i started to think everything is on our side, i was really close to fail on the last hard, totally wet pitch just a few pitches below the top....sooooo happy for this one :-) @blackdiamond @sterlingrope @lasportivagram @hafervoll @Smith


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