バーバラ・ザンガールのインスタグラム(babsizangerl) - 9月10日 19時18分

This wall was such a big gift for us. Sometimes it was a big fight to find out all the betas. We had to brush all the holds again...there were no marks from other climbers. It was just pure! On some days we had to give it all to just reach the next bolt. Finally we can say this route gave us all what we are seaching for in climbing---these are the golden days!!!! Thanks to @ニナ・カプレツ for sharing this big adventure with me! It couldn't be better to send the route just on our first ground up try. For each in one day (yesterday and the day before). Big thanks to Beat Kammerlander, who put up this route in 1991, he was miles ahead of his time. Pic: Robert Bösch @blackdiamond @sterlingrope @lasportivagram @hafervoll


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