カイ・グリーンのインスタグラム(kaigreene) - 10月20日 09時24分

"Embrace Your Individuality"
This is a message to my Team, #DynamikMuscle.
It's important to me that you to know.. Behind the scenes..
I am sacrificing everything right now.
Hungrier than I've ever been..
Working to capitalize in every industry possible.. To provide a platform for everyone of you to showcase your talents, showcase your efforts, know that each and everyone of you are fueling this for me.
@JeremyVanhoose my friend, I've seen your post a few days ago, late night going over materials for upcoming projects.. It can surely get overwhelming, but your post shattered the stress away. It became non existent..
Thank You for that & thank you for representing our company. Your friend,


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