ガブリエル・モローニのインスタグラム(gabrimoroni) - 10月4日 03時10分

Weather didn't look promising in the Swiss Alps today... Light rain in the morning then more clear and dry in the afternoon! The main plan was going to Wassen but when I got there it was still raining and everything looked wet... So I kept on driving and went to check if Sustenpass was better. It was also raining up there but the Traumland Boulder was totally dry!...YES!
To make the story short, after some good hours of work, in between showers, I was able to climb Martin Keller's testpiece Gepresster Hase 8b+!!... Luckily conditions were better than expected being cold and windy most of the day!
Sometimes is better to risk and go climbing in the wetness than staying on the sofa all the day... #e9team #petzlteam #wildclimb #bsideteamplus #rockspot2 @e9clothing @petzl_official @wildclimb


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