ガブリエル・モローニのインスタグラム(gabrimoroni) - 8月23日 18時07分

On the way back from Germany I made a quick one day stop in Arco! It is always cool to visit old friends and new crags! I also had the chance to repeat two sick 8b+'s! The one in the video is a short and burly route with a heinous hand match on a really bad sidepull. I really didn't enjoy this move so I had to find a different and more "new school" beta to skip the match! If in doubt... Jump!!
#e9team #petzlteam #wildclimb #bsideteamplus #rockspot2 @petzl_official @wildclimb


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



