goproのインスタグラム(gopro) - 9月26日 07時47分

GoPro Featured Photographer - @shawnparkin

About the Shot: Olympic Swimmer - This is Olympic Gold Medalist, Matt Grevers (@MGrevers) on "set" at a @TYRsport photo shoot. I was assisting my friend and colleague @RichMc on this shoot, by holding his flash underwater. Thankfully I have 2 hands, so I was able to simultaneously shoot a few photos myself.

How the Shot was Captured: The action happens lightning fast when someone is entering the water, so I knew I needed a burst of photos in a short time. But 30/1 burst-mode was too short, because I couldn't tell from underwater when exactly he was going to hit the water. So I set it to 30/2. From #underwater I could start to make out the movement of him jumping off the starting block after a few takes, so I hit the shutter button as I saw him jump. Shot with the #HERO4Silver mounted on the Handler. #swimming


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