thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 9月8日 01時02分

Photo and words @pedromcbride // Sixteen months after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, the 9th Ward remained abandoned, untouched, and desolate. Boats, miles from water, sat idle in the middle of streets. It appeared the fooding occurred just weeks earlier — not over a year. I came with tools as a volunteer to help gut homes. From ‘shotgun' house to broken home, we worked, trying to give families that fled, more time to return. The destructive grip of flood waters was gut wrenching-- even fan blades wilted in sadness. Above the flood line in attics, we’d find prized belongings hastily stored — photo albums, baby clothes and wedding dresses. But there was no way to find the owners.
On this 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the 9th Ward is rebuilt in areas and hopeful, yet abandoned in others and still flooded in sadness. I often think of those family photo albums, those wedding dresses and the shattered lives they belonged to. #Katrina10 #10thanniversay #neworleans #hurricane #petemcbride


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