エミリー・ハリントンのインスタグラム(emilyaharrington) - 8月31日 10時59分

Woke up at 2am last night mind racing, going through all the different scenarios we could face in the next few weeks, worrying, feeling scared and nervous, maybe a little bit excited. But I felt mostly stress. Then I decided to open the tent to see if the sky was clear. I thought it might be because things seemed bright, like the moon was shining. I was right, the moonlight lit up Makalu as if she had a spotlight on her, demanding respect. This morning as the sun rose and warmed the tent I still feel a bit of that stress. And I think that's an okay way to feel. Whatever happens, I'm just trying to focus on taking it day by day, because that's really all you can do sometimes. #SkiMakalu2015 @ザ・ノースフェイス @outsidemagazine @jaybirdsport


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