レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 8月10日 05時43分

Life on the road is hard. Maybe it's just part of growing older but I love being home. In one place. I miss our bed, our house, our puppies. But I live a whirlwind of a life that takes me to all corners of the world 40 weeks out of the year and it's beautiful and hard, so I've learned to go with the flow. Rituals are important. I travel with crystals and gems and my cards and palo santo... Always palo. And yes, my feet are funny looking. No need to comment on them. Everyone in my family has funny toes except my mom who has perfect princess feet. I post a lot of photos of my feet because I love them. They take me places and when I am about to start my practice I look down and there my feet are, on the ground. Here I am. Always traveling and always on the move but I have these tools that ground me and keep me sane. I have yoga and meditation and gems that sparkle. They remind me, I am a small drop in a big ocean but I am also the ocean in a drop. They assure me that everywhere I go, I can find my way home. They bring me peace. No. You cannot be brought what is never lacking. My practice makes them meaningful and the reflection of my heart in this practice reminds me of the peace that's always there, within. It's all within. Yoga toes and crystals and tarot is without. The wisdom... Within.
It's 10pm in London and I am tired but at peace.


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