goproのインスタグラム(gopro) - 7月18日 07時49分

GoPro Featured Photographer - @justinjenny

About the Shot: "Harvest Moon" Vermont is filled with endless roads surrounded by endless cornfields. It was a full moon night and I decided to get creative and take advantage of the light. To the naked eye this scene was pitch black with only a bit of light from my flashlight and moon but with a long exposure, it almost appeared to be daytime.

How it was Captured: I set my HERO4 on a tripod and then set the camera for a 30 second exposure in Night shot mode with a max ISO of 400 and sharpening on low. Once the camera was set I then synced up my Wireless Remote and I was good to go. I stood about 30 feet from the camera, hit the trigger and held my flashlight pointed at my feet as still as possible to create the illumination. #gopro #nightphoto #harvestmoon


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