Zanna Van Dijkのインスタグラム(zannavandijk) - 7月10日 15時47分

?3 years ago at 62kg ?1 year ago at 70kg ?1 month ago at 72kg ? Some people may see this image and think I've made no progress at all. I see it and I'm amazed by how far I have come ?On the left I was a cardio queen with a restrictive diet. In the middle I was lifting weights and getting to grips with nutrition. Now on the right I lift heavy, do minimal cardio, eat like a horse and have a healthy relationship with food. I have been lifting weights consistently for about 2 years now. I lift as heavy as I can. I've gained 10kg of weight. Nope I'm not bulky. Nope I'm not manly. I want to show that the scales can be deceiving when you lift ? My goals recently have been performance based - doing bodyweight pull ups and lifting a 100kg deadlift. While focussing on these (both of which I have now achieved!) I have made the most progress both mentally and physically. I am fitter and stronger than ever before and my nutrition is balanced, flexible and sustainable. Instead of focussing on abs and thigh gaps, I focus on strength, power and feeling good. Right now I can honestly say that although I'm not super lean with a rippling six pack, I love my body more than ever before and I'm proud of everything that it can do ?? A big thank you to my coaches @alexjamesritson and @awillis1515 for helping me achieve balance ? #girlgains @thegirlgains


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