ナーレ・フッカタイバルのインスタグラム(nalle_hukkataival) - 7月6日 23時59分

What a day at the Champagne sector today! We got up early at 6.30 to give Jimmy (@jwebxl) a spot and carry pads. Jimmy's been zoned in on climbing Livin' Large this trip and it's been really captivating following his progress and struggles on it, bringing back memories of my own experience with it. For the last few sessions Jimmy had been getting close, falling in the upper part. This morning when we got there a dry wind kicked up and the boulder was still in the shade. Jimmy did his warm up routine and like a Swiss clock pulled on the rock at 8.30. Knowing the moves all too well, he executed the bottom half perfectly. Watching him fight his way to the last move was like being up there again myself, except this time I was down on the ground spotting and hoping I wouldn't have to catch a big guy flying at me from 30 feet high. The intense moment culminated in a loud scream of relief grabbing the top jug; a moment I still remember like yesterday even though it's been six years. There's really something special about this boulder. Seeing Jimmy topping out and getting to share the experience was one of the best things in a while! Big congratulations again and I'll see you soon in Australia! ? Photo: @beauknowsphotos #weareisland #bouldering #climbing


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