エミリー・ハリントンのインスタグラム(emilyaharrington) - 6月24日 05時44分

This pose pretty much sums up our mountain experience today. After a failed attempt on Cayambe yesterday we drove south to Cotopaxi, hoping for more manageable conditions. We set our alarms for midnight, slept for 3 hours and went for it. Just after sunrise we reached the steep snow slope guarding the summit, but we'd spent the last hour battling wind gusts more violent and abrupt than I've ever experienced. We'd taken to crawling on our hands and knees because we were afraid to stand up. 100 meters shy of the summit we realized we'd pushed ourselves far enough and it was no longer safe to continue in the wind. Bent over and covered head to toe in several inches of rime ice we descended, the skis on our backs acting as sails for those enraged gales to rip us off the side of the mountain. Slowly slowly we made it down, exhausted, satisfied, and not worried in the slightest about not reaching the summit. As my friend @kephoto says "you can't win if you don't play" We may not have won anything here in Ecuador this time around, but I think we played a pretty damn good game, and we had a hell of a time along the way! Thanks @brian_warren @adrianballinger @myshellparker @jimwmorrison for sharing that wild experience with me and the rest of the @alpenglowexpeditions crew for a truly excellent and worthy adventure #RingOfFire @ザ・ノースフェイス @lasportivana


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