thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 6月22日 02時57分

Photo by @edkashi/@viiphoto: "I've got a choice of what bank I go to. I've got choice of what pub I go in, but I haven't got a choice of which police officers deal with me...If I'm being stopped by the police, everybody walking past, driving past thinks I'm a criminal. They think I have done something wrong. And [the police] don't get the fact that I might be embarrassed by that." - Nick Glynn, police officer, Leicester, UK. Police #profiling in London impacts immigrants and minorities who must contend with the stigma, legal pressures, and exclusion from society these practices can cause. @opensocietyfoundations presents an exhibition of this work by @edkashi on view at la place de la République in #Paris June 6 – July 12.#egalitetrahie, #quoimagueule @thephotosociety


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