TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 6月16日 04時20分

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush begins his quest to become the third in his family to win the Presidency with a speech aimed at convincing skeptical conservatives that he is one of them. “We will lift our sights again, make opportunity common again, get events in the world moving our way again,” Bush will say, in remarks prepared for delivery. “We will take Washington—the static capital of this dynamic country—out of the business of causing problems.” That can-do attitude is going to be one of the central arguments why the 62-year-old son of one President and brother to another deserves the nomination. But even before he was scheduled to arrive on stage at Miami Dade College, the Republican’s critics were working to undercut his deep-pocketed White House bid. Conservative activist Brent Bozell, for example, told his seven million online supporters that Bush “is unelectable” and would sacrifice conservatives’ values. For more on Jeb Bush’s speech, visit time.com. Photograph by Brooks Kraft (@bkraft)—Corbis for TIME at the MarryAnne’s Diner in Derry, N.H. on April 17, 2015.


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