アシュリー・ハートのインスタグラム(ashleyhart) - 6月17日 05時08分

Celebrating the reclaimed energy and gratefully welcoming the shift from the first trimester, into the next. Taking a little time in the desert to reconnect, and reflect. I've been writing poetry, dancing, and soaking in the divine desert sun.

Here's a piece 📝on what has been the last few messy months.

Dancing between worlds
what was and what will be
Here in the womb 
the space between, 
for he yet also me.
Almost 4 months in, you work on me. 
Humbled by what it takes and what is taken to create thee 
All the walls I've built to protect- the identities and personalities I project
Come forth in exaggeration now to be dismantled and torn down.
Revealing at the core what was hidden deep down 
Touching on parts and places un-loved 
That I had worked so hard to keep shut down.
Vulnerably navigating, needing to ask for help 
Swimming in nausea, nostalgia, grief.. and a new emerging innocent love
The ground I once stood on shaking
Fearful action,
anxious initiated conversation, scrambling as I melt-
To create a new foundation to exalt.
My partner pushing back on a pressure that understandably feels too great 
Breakdowns in messy miscommunication- 
that underneath all the words and emotions, 
Our heart just needs to be held. kept safe.
Affirmed 'it's all going to be OK'.
He too activated in the process of initiation into parenthood
Me mirroring past pains and fears
To be experienced and deeply felt. 
And he too thrown Into unconscious avoidance- 
with walls and beliefs freshly re-plastered to keep him safe. 
We must have compassion-
As all of it seems to need to be faced! 
Not to move from domestication-
our past or just the opposite of what we hate
Yet from pure hearts, that know, a new quality of presence, trust, and love. 
To be Father and Mother in this new book we get to rewrite and consciously create.
Bodhi Rae, it's declared in your name 'awakening' us, strengthening, humbling, and showing us-
Who we need to be-
Already in what has been his first trimester of pregnancy.

#creativeweitting #poetry #firsttrimester #pregnancy #conciousparenting #healing


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