アシュリー・ハートのインスタグラム(ashleyhart) - 10月4日 03時24分

Morning Musing 📄 🖊️

I woke early this morning, still dark outside, the spaciousness of silence and sleeping busy minds allow these ripe hours to have clarity of mind. Dipping into the deeper layers of the usual surface levels of existing. 'There's more going on here' a deep earning to be heard from my insides. Something I've heard whispered to me since early childhood, wanting to bring attention to something I couldn't then, and most times still struggle to; bring language to. With so much noise and constant static, others, the environment, and my own mind. These deeper feelings I feel yet usually glimpses I ignore... with quick fix feel-goods, those "dopamine hits" or "switch off" comforts throughout my days. It's OK, I know we're all just trying to get by and do the best we can, with these systems we have. Yet I also know, there IS more going on here. I think we all innately do. And most of us will wait till our death beds till we face it too. How do we bring more of ourselves to life now? Where catching those subtle moments of depth unlocks the whole tapestry and our fullest potential in this life. This morning I meditated, I breathed, I wrote, but really it was the morning ripe hours that had me listening, and hearing whispers from God.

May we lay our heads on our pillows tonight clearing our days.. blessing moments of gratitude and recognizing where we could have also done better. Hopefully unfiltered by nightly TV programs (This makes me want to cuss because FUCK it's a hard habit to break, and it ain't that bad.. but is it really doing the best we can?) Creating forward with a more intentional tomorrow. And wake, into the practices that connect us.. to our deeper layers before thrown into work, email, social media, and the static "business" that keeps us blind. There's more going on here... yearning our attention, asking us to listen. Where is true fullness in my life?

#morningpages #morningmusings


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