Kat Von Dのインスタグラム(thekatvond) - 6月4日 11時42分

Like seven peas in a pod.?
Nature has a clever way of giving you exactly what it is you really need. I don't wanna be that over-imposing vegan who turns off those of you who eat meat. But just like all the rad discoveries I make in life, [like cool new makeup-tricks, an independent fashion designer, a seller on etsy, or underground music] I get so excited to share these things with you guys!
So I must say this: second to my sobriety, eating a plant based diet for quite some time now has probably been the best thing I've done for myself - and hope that inspires any of you who are considering it! ❤️ [PS. Don't be annoying and fight about this shit in the comments.]


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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