Jessica Arevaloのインスタグラム(jessicaarevalo_) - 6月4日 02時23分

Wake up everyday with a positive mindset. How do you do that? You set a morning routine for yourself and prepare mentally for the day.
I wake up every morning pray in silence for 10 minutes and read my bible for 10 minutes. When I pray I don't ask God for things instead I thank him for everything I have in my life and trust in his perfect timing. I pray for the small things that we forget to be grateful for. Such as the fact that I even woke up to live another day and my health.
When you remind yourself of these things by praying honestly it's hard to have a bad day. I focus on things like this so when negativity comes my way through out the day it's easy for me to brush it off and remember I am blessed.
If you don't have a morning routine I suggest you start one because it sets your whole day. I prepare myself to have a great day everyday. There are times I don't feel the most positive but doing this resets my mind in the right direction.?


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