ニコール・ ポリッツィのインスタグラム(snooki) - 5月29日 05時03分

This is the perfect example of why I wanted to write my new book. What I did 6 years ago at 21 doesn't define who I am today, nor will I take shit from a stranger who doesn't know who I am. Rise above the hate, the judgmental people, and live the best, healthy positive life that you can. Of course you are going to be a drunk slob at some point in your life, but you grow older and wiser and learn what's important in life. I've done that and my kids are my world. I work out, I'm a strong, happy mom and I want to show you that you can change and become a better person, regardless of the nay Sayers that say you can't. Sorry girl for using you as an example, but you asked for it. XOOX love yourself and stay positive, no matter what! ??


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