マヤ・ステッパーのインスタグラム(mayastepper) - 5月29日 04時22分

India, sadly, tops the list with the highest number of child labourers in the world.
Working conditions are appalling but the children need to work anyway in order for their families to avoid going into poverty.
This little miss sunshine crossed my path today and I her beautiful smile was so contagious I had to stop and smile back at her.
After I took that picture she sold one of the flower headpieces to someone and soon as she got the money a woman came and took it from her quick.
These children have to spend they're very young life's on the street working without any sight of education or even just being a child which leaves them ending up having an hindered mental, physical, emotional and spiritual development.
This moment left me with a smile on my face but also very sad and sorrowful at the same time.
I am not posting this to make you feel sad or sorry but to make you think about what brings a smile to your face.
What you feel thankful for.
Like this little girl was so happy about her coconut and apperently about seeing a blonde woman.
And I thank her for making me smile too today.


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