ザック・フリードマンのインスタグラム(lyricyst) - 5月28日 23時27分

Last weekend I was in Scottsdale and had the opportunity to visit Taliesen West. The renowned architecture school was founded by Frank Lloyd Wright and served as his winter home.
What a fascinating set of buildings! Wright was definitely ahead of his time, embracing sustainability decades before other architects let alone the public knew what is was. The majority of the building materials were sourced from the surrounding desert.

This image was taken in the Garden Room, a oddly shaped but cozy space where he and his students would relax and socialize. They designed everything down to the furniture and fixtures seen here.
If you're an architecture enthusiast and ever find yourself in Phoenix/Scottsdale, definitely give Taliesen West a visit. Well worth it!

#priime #WrightSites


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