ベン・ボーラーのインスタグラム(benballer) - 5月27日 08時39分

I have only thrown 3 major events in my life and all 3 were crazy. One being my wedding. But I have to say I have never ever met an event coordinator or planner at the level of this woman Loriann @wifeoftheparty and I mean upper echelon to the fullest. She is passionate and crazy anal to detail like myself but even more so. She's a boss for real. None of this would be possible without her and her team @thatcanhappen @thriftedsisterevents and I THANK YOU 1 MILLION TIMES! You took charge and we are so grateful! You made #RyderBenjamin's Great Gatsby Extravaganza a success and dream come true for my family! And your pricing was beyond ridiculously competitive where as you have no competition. You slay them all! You are our party planner for life!
Attention anyone in need of a party planner! Hit up @wifeoftheparty I can't begin to break down how professional and impeccable her work is! God bless! ?????


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