クリッセル・リムのインスタグラム(chrisellelim) - 5月20日 16時36分

That look of concern when none of your clothes fit, and when your peplum top is slowly turning into a crop top ? chloe turned 4 months yesterday! So much development in these last few weeks. She outgrew her 3 month clothes and is fitting into 6-9 month clothes, loves to be propped up to "sit", holds on to her favorite stuffed animals, started to eat solids for the first time, and the best part? Laughing and giggling uncontrollably out loud! You have to watch it on my snapchat! I actually documented her doing it for the first time... I literally almost died! (Username: @クリッセル・リム ) . Time really flies when ur having fun, and it's true... it only gets better by the minute! #4monthsold #butreally9monthsinsize #chubbybunny #chloevictoriachen


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