NASAのインスタグラム(nasa) - 5月19日 06時56分

Astronaut Scott Kelly shared this aquamarine seascape view of Earth from the International Space Station on May 10, 2015. He noted that it looked like a "watercolor from space." Astronauts have used hand-held cameras to photograph the Earth for more than 40 years. Beginning with the Mercury missions in the early 1960s, astronauts have taken more than 1.5 million photographs of the Earth. Today, the International Space Station (@国際宇宙ステーション) continues the NASA tradition of Earth observation from human-tended spacecraft. Operational since November 2000, the space station is well suited for documenting Earth features. The ISS maintains an altitude between 220 - 286 miles (354 - 460 km) above the Earth, and an orbital inclination of 51.6˚, providing an excellent stage for observing most populated areas of the world.

Image credit: NASA
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