It's time to go home. After two months, 12 states, 25 cities, 15 yoga classes, 10+ book signings and one New York Times Best Seller... The Happiness Tour has come to an end. I can't believe it. I have met and hugged and laughed and cried and moved with over six thousand of you. 6,000! Six thousand brave, open hearted, genuine, absolutely beautiful souls. These are some of the most intimate classes I have ever taught. You might think that hundreds of people in a room together would feel impersonal or superficial, but it's the absolute opposite. Hundreds of people breathing together, moving into stillness, supporting one another, weaving in our intentions and dreams? SO powerful. I have cried along with so many of you in Savasana. I have shared your pain and your joy. I have felt all, all of your hearts. Through this practice we are opening up and allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and intimate and it's changing us at our core. It's peeling off layers of fear, unveiling love and compassion and getting us ready to receive the magic that is all around. We and real and we are human and we are HERE. Yoga is changing the world. WE ARE CHANGING THE WORLD! Know this. One practice at a time. Each and every one of you has made my heart flutter. You inspire me! Thank you for supporting me on this journey. For working towards a good life. For choosing love over fear and inspiring me to do the same, every single day. Continue letting go. Continue making space for the new. Everything is exactly the way it's supposed to be. I love you. With all of my heart. xo, Rachel

yoga_girlさん(@yoga_girl)が投稿した動画 -

レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 5月18日 01時34分

It's time to go home. After two months, 12 states, 25 cities, 15 yoga classes, 10+ book signings and one New York Times Best Seller... The Happiness Tour has come to an end. I can't believe it. I have met and hugged and laughed and cried and moved with over six thousand of you. 6,000! Six thousand brave, open hearted, genuine, absolutely beautiful souls. These are some of the most intimate classes I have ever taught. You might think that hundreds of people in a room together would feel impersonal or superficial, but it's the absolute opposite. Hundreds of people breathing together, moving into stillness, supporting one another, weaving in our intentions and dreams? SO powerful. I have cried along with so many of you in Savasana. I have shared your pain and your joy. I have felt all, all of your hearts. Through this practice we are opening up and allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and intimate and it's changing us at our core. It's peeling off layers of fear, unveiling love and compassion and getting us ready to receive the magic that is all around.

We and real and we are human and we are HERE. Yoga is changing the world. WE ARE CHANGING THE WORLD! Know this. One practice at a time.
Each and every one of you has made my heart flutter. You inspire me! Thank you for supporting me on this journey. For working towards a good life. For choosing love over fear and inspiring me to do the same, every single day. Continue letting go. Continue making space for the new.
Everything is exactly the way it's supposed to be.
I love you.
With all of my heart.


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