キャサリン(ケンブリッジ公爵夫人)のインスタグラム(hrhtheduchessofcambridge) - 5月15日 22時11分

Of the hundreds of photos taken of William and Kate, this one is my most favourite. This photo is so powerful and lets us take a glimpse of how WK are as a couple and how they have managed to stay in love for more than a decade.
News of the release of Kate's topless photos had just come out. W&K were in the middle of their South East Asian tour in 2012. It was so evident how furious William was and how much he wanted to protect her from all of it. And Kate, poor Kate who was put through such an appalling experience still had to put on a brave face. And for a moment, she placed her hand (even carressed it) on his back, as if to console him, as if to alleviate his pain and anger. As if to say "I'm gonna be fine, eventually." This is why they've lasted forever. They're each other's support system.


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