A review from my show in #Minneapolis You put out on stage what you want people to notice and talk about. So maybe I'm finally getting the balance right (I say that with an open heart) for years I have had people often talk about my outfits and my personal life in a review before they even would mention my voice. For a long time I would just get angry and never understand why. Then one day I approached it in a different way and thought maybe I should re evaluate what I'm doing on stage to make it clearer for people to digest my look and my personality but realise I want them to hear my voice first. My look was ALOT at one point. It was cool and don't get me wrong I loved the crazy makeup and costumes but it started taking away from the music. So I had to learn balance. I have spent a long time stepping away, taking the emotion out and trying to see what other people see. Not easy but you have to take ego out of anything to learn and grow and be better. So I could build a show where anyone (new/since day one fan) experiencing it understood that I am a singer and a performer before anything else. I have no desire to be famous, its not why I do what I do. I know not everyone will believe nor accept that. And fame is part of it yes, I will never be good at being famous tho. I'm so awkward. Lol. My desire and drive doesn't come from fame it comes from real life, substance and passion. Music has been my therapy and I love making music that touches people, music that makes us feel something. Emotions we don't always want to face but we need to and should. We can live in a very materialistic world at times where image can override talent and art. With care and thought trough execution anything is possible. (learning) Im proud of myself, this review talks about all the moments and dedication about me I want journalists to notice and talk about. I'm learning everyday about tweaking and taking risks and what real music fans want. I don't always get it right but reviews like this are a true insight for me to know I am progressing in the right direction, for the music memory I wish to leave behind. This review means more than words. Ps.Sorry this is so long ?❤️

jessiejさん(@jessiej)が投稿した動画 -

ジェシー・Jのインスタグラム(jessiej) - 5月13日 04時09分

A review from my show in #Minneapolis
You put out on stage what you want people to notice and talk about.
So maybe I'm finally getting the balance right (I say that with an open heart) for years I have had people often talk about my outfits and my personal life in a review before they even would mention my voice.
For a long time I would just get angry and never understand why.
Then one day I approached it in a different way and thought maybe I should re evaluate what I'm doing on stage to make it clearer for people to digest my look and my personality but realise I want them to hear my voice first.
My look was ALOT at one point. It was cool and don't get me wrong I loved the crazy makeup and costumes but it started taking away from the music.
So I had to learn balance.
I have spent a long time stepping away, taking the emotion out and trying to see what other people see. Not easy but you have to take ego out of anything to learn and grow and be better.
So I could build a show where anyone (new/since day one fan) experiencing it understood that I am a singer and a performer before anything else.
I have no desire to be famous, its not why I do what I do.
I know not everyone will believe nor accept that. And fame is part of it yes, I will never be good at being famous tho. I'm so awkward. Lol.
My desire and drive doesn't come from fame it comes from real life, substance and passion. Music has been my therapy and I love making music that touches people, music that makes us feel something. Emotions we don't always want to face but we need to and should.
We can live in a very materialistic world at times where image can override talent and art. With care and thought trough execution anything is possible. (learning)
Im proud of myself, this review talks about all the moments and dedication about me I want journalists to notice and talk about.
I'm learning everyday about tweaking and taking risks and what real music fans want. I don't always get it right but reviews like this are a true insight for me to know I am progressing in the right direction, for the music memory I wish to leave behind.
This review means more than words.
Ps.Sorry this is so long ?❤️


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