ファンクマスター・フレックスのインスタグラム(funkflex) - 5月11日 01時49分

Lloyda Maud Taylor .... My Mom... May you Rest in Peace... This is our first Mother's Day without you... I love you... Not just today but everyday is Mother's Day for me... I think of you everyday... This video gives me such happiness to watch when I miss you... I feel your love everyday and it feels wonderful.... I never pictured life without you.... I guess it's silly but me and my sister thought you would be there holding our hand when it came time for us to go but instead we held your hand..... It will forever be the ( 4 of us ) ..... Some people wish for "one more day" ..... But I wish to always until the day I die to share stories about my amazing mother that loved me and my sister more than anything in this world.... We hold our head strong and Taylor's don't allow anything or anyone to break us... We won't let you down because you never let us down.... Today will be an amazing day in your honor....


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




