ビパシャ・バスーのインスタグラム(bipashabasu) - 5月10日 15時49分

There are over 50,000 disadvantaged kids in India and I am grateful that a place like the Bal Asha Trust allows me to take care of at least a few of them. I love to watch them eat nutritious food everyday, learn and grow into educated individuals, and have a healthy camaraderie with both adults and children around them.
Bal Asha Trust is really one big happy family and I will continue to support them for years to come. I hope you can participate in this initiative with me. It is very rewarding, I promise! Help me in wishing these beautiful kids a Happy Mother's day, just Rs. 2000 will provide lunch for 25 children. Donate atwww.thetrunklabel.com #giftameal #thelabelsupportsbalasha #balashatrust #happymothersweek


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



