マイケル・ミュラーのインスタグラム(michaelmuller7) - 5月8日 07時41分

#repost from @IWC from our Aqua timer campaign. #charlesdarwinfoundation and #unesco were both partners in the trip and I must say of all the luxury brands out there, IWC was the first to use a green factory and has always been a huge supportive of the environment. I am honored to be an ambassador for the brand and wish every company would follow their lead. That shot of me was the first trip I used my 1200 watt waterproof strobes on and was a groundbreaking trip. We didn't touch land for 2 weeks. Some of the photos from this trip will be in my SHARK book being released this year by @taschenbooks which if your into sharks or our ocean I hope you go buy or at least look at. #charlesdarwin


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