チャンス・ザ・ラッパーのインスタグラム(chancetherapper) - 5月4日 06時09分

Me and my best friend, @austinvesely. We made so many fucking videos and jokes together. I honestly love this guy. He's an inspiration to me in my craft and just as an overall person. He believed in me when I sent that Fuck You Tahm Bout record over in 2011. Actually he didn't just believe in me, he took that song and turned it into something greater. He made a project out of it. He later believed in me when I asked him to shoot my #10day listening party. And not only shot it but chopped it into something greater, that detailed the event in a way that made it more than a recap video. It became a project. And every video we've worked on since from music videos to Promo videos to LED Content for touring to Day in the life's to FEATURE FILMS, he's transformed them to a grander, precise and intricate project. #SundayCandy was no different. so Austin on this particular BIRTHDAY I just wanna say I love you, I'm grateful that we live in the same artistic period and you NEVER cease to impress me


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