クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 5月3日 22時30分

We shot until the sun started peaking thru the clouds! It's going to be a beautiful video and next we do more still shots for my magazine cover. Although I'm exhausted I love what I do so i keep pushing. Been at this for many years and blessed to be working more at 42 than ever in my career. God is good!!! Funny story to share with u guys. Y'all know I take pictures of everything right? Well when I got back to my villa- I saw this interesting looking frog on the hand rail of the outside stairs. I was trying to get my camera out to zoom in and take a picture of it when that little bastard jumped at me right into my arm and I let out a scream at 5am!!! My folks thought I was hurt or something! That lil ?? scared the crap outta me!! I'd never seen such an aggressive frog! Ok just wanted to share. 2 piece outfit from @reveboutique


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